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BSHAA Guidance on Excellence in Customer Care

A new booklet setting out BSHAA’s view on standards of customer service has been published by the Society as part of its belief that it should encourage members to offer services that are “efficient, effective, excellent, equitable and empowering, with the service user and their family, friends and/or carers always at the heart of service provision.”

Guidance on Excellence in Customer Care  together with other BSHAA published Guidanceforms part of the over-arching BSHAA Code of Practice which every member is expected to adopt when they come into contact with clients, their families or carers.

Set out over 16 pages, the booklet explains what the Society believes are the priorities, in particular the way information and services are delivered in a timely professional way.  And because many BSHAA members are employed it sets out what action they should take if they are being asked to do things outside of BSHAA Guidance.

There are sections on standards of customer service, communications with clients, both written and email correspondence, referrals, websites, face-to-face meetings and even advice on holiday cover.

Commending the booklet to the members, the Chief Executive David Welbourn reminded them that clients expected the highest level of customer care and would measure that against their personal experiences elsewhere.  The Society encouraged and expected that an HAD and their staff would work with their fellow professionals in accordance with the Guidance in order to provide the best possible service level for clients.   “In our 5 years’ experience of the customer care scheme, the majority of complaints could have been avoided by following this guidance,” he said.

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BSHAA Guidance on Excellence in Customer Care